You don’t need a 12-step skin care routine to keep your skin healthy as you age. The best skin care for aging skin is actually achieved in your everyday habits and practices. Your skin will inevitably change…
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You don’t need a 12-step skin care routine to keep your skin healthy as you age. The best skin care for aging skin is actually achieved in your everyday habits and practices. Your skin will inevitably change…
Yoga is a wonderfully well-rounded fitness and wellness activity. It’s inclusive and accessible to all, regardless of ability, body or skill level. Chair yoga for seniors makes the practice even more accessible by providing additional modifications of…
You don’t have to give up your favorite hobby just because arthritis has made it harder for your green thumb to do its job gardening! At Hamlet at Chagrin Falls, we have a 35-plot organically correct community…
As we age, our dietary needs change As we age, our dietary needs change, and it’s important to know how we need to alter our diets to promote senior nutrition. Exercising and staying active are important, but…
As more and more research is done about what it takes to live a happier, longer life, there are mentions everywhere about the importance of being active, eating healthy and having a strong social network. But this…
Social interaction is one of the most influential factors in aging successfully. The health benefits of socialization for – as well as the adverse effects of isolation on – older adults are clear.
Can the benefits of senior living help you stay independent longer? You see the terms often: senior independent living, how to stay independent, keeping seniors independent longer. There’s no doubt that senior independence is on the minds…
The health benefits of being social for seniors. Out of necessity, humans evolved into social beings. Our survival depended on cooperating with one another. But beyond survival, we need other people to be happy. And that doesn’t…
Daydreaming and imaginative play are traditionally thought to be the sole domain of children and young adults — as we age, conventional wisdom says that adults are supposed to put aside “childish” or “unproductive” things in favor…
Yoga can bring major health benefits for people of all ages — but if you or your loved one has mobility challenges, you might think yoga is off-limits. Enter chair yoga. What Is Chair Yoga for Seniors?…